Final Fantasy Xi in 2016 - Top 5 Tips for Returning Players (1080p 30fps)
Is FFXI Still fun. Or is it dead?With the wide array of changes that have occurred in the past 3-4 years, figuring out how to get back into Final Fantasy XI can be a challenge in itself. This list is the top 5 changes that totally altered how I approach FFXI (omg thank you no more abyssea parties). Is it worth coming back to. With the PS2 and Xbox 360 server shutdown having finally happened, you hopefully have a PC version if you wanted to play. New gaming videos twice a week. Top Tips, Impressions and Reviews, and just random hilarity fumbling my way through Multiplayer. Released Midweek and Saturday. |--| Don't miss any, Subscribe Here. Leave a comment below. Or reach out to me on twitter. @Huntin4Games. Check out some of my other videos on my Channel.