This is the music for all Alliance-related places in Draenor which includes Lunarfall, the Alliance garrison, and Stormshield, the Alliance base in Ashran. Honestly, listening to this music while I was trying to create a presentable garrison just made me super jealous since I'm a Hordie and got Frostwall instead. Of course, it's not as if it matters that much since I am NEVER going back into either of those garrisons ever again but at least both of them are immortalized in my computer as video files. I'm also glad that Jason Hayes (the composer who made the mountain, enchanted forest, forest, evil forest, and login screen music for Vanilla WoW) has made a return with another amazing Alliance theme, "Wolf at the Gates" (3:57), which I can add to the collection (the other two are "Alliance Battle March" and "For the Alliance" which he made in MoP). Although, that is his only theme in this entire expansion but at least it's a pretty good one. Stormlords on the March 0:00 - 3:57. h1 0:00 - 1:28. h2 1:28 - 2:15. h3 2:15 - 3:57. Wolf at the Gates 3:57 - 12:05. h 3:57 - 6:39. a 6:39 - 9:22. b 9:22 - 12:05. Eagle of Draenor 12:05 - 18:15. h 12:05 - 14:11. a 14:11 - 16:18 (Oh no, lack of specification. Where is the Eagle now. How could we possibly know?!). b 16:18 - 17:17. c 17:17 - 17:48. d 17:48 - 18:15. Call of the Warrior 18:15 - 25:46 (Not the B(s)). h 18:15 - 20:45. a 20:45 - 23:16. c 23:16 - 25:46. My Twitter:.