League of Legends - GypsyDanger454 - Illaoi VS Maokai Top Lane S6.10

Ok so this game we really didnt get to bully the lane as much as we normally do with Illaoi. Maokai's naturally a very tanky champ so even with 2-3 tentacles hitting him, it still isnt enough to really get that burst damage kill. Also remenber that Illaoi did have a few changes that really affect her lane bully'ing. Her E did get a nerf, now isntead of having someone a vessel for 60 seconds if you pull and kill their soul, now it only lasts between 12-15 seconds depending on its rank. That is a huge nerf bc its an absolutely annoyance for the person with the debuff and it also breaks consentration due to the fact that the screen changes and every 10 seconds any nearby tentacles would Q to strike at them if they walked in range. This was especially good for us after an engagement where if we didnt get the kill and the enemy was a vessel with low health, theyre going to try to back and as they sit there casting the back spell, its enough time for a tentacle to spawn and hopefully get that last hit. Most of the time if someone is backing in a safe place, they arent paying attention to whats really going on in game. They might be looking at the shop window or the stat screen and not notice the tentacle spawn and they get killed. Believe me its happend plenty of times. Another change that they made to Illaoi is a buff. They decided he CD on her W was too long in early game so now its a flat 4 sec CD at all ranks unless your Ult is active which then makes it a 2 sec CD. Just be warned though, if you hit your W and then use your Ult, it WILL NOT change/reset the CD of your W. Laning phase was ok. I think we went 2/1 VS Maokai's 2/2. And he did have a cs lead on us bc his pushing power with that dam little exploding minion thing he throws, easily wipes out the caster minions in one hit. Theyre entire team went AP which i though was pretty dumb. Even their Ezrael went AP which is fine if you have an AD heavy team which they didnt so an AD Ezrael just would have been better as ADC. I could have started off with a Hex drinker into a Maw but i decided to start my Black Clever instead bc i really wasnt afraid of Maokai's killing potential in the early game and since hes a naturally tanky champ, the armor pen from BC plus its CD reduction i felt would have been more beneficial. We also fought the new Champ Taliyah which i have to say, wasnt anything special. Shes a mid lane mage with only one real damaging ability which is her Q. Her W and E are easily avoidable and if she misses them shes pretty much screwed. Her ult is pretty cool tho and the wall from it can easily block/seperate ppl in team fights. This can also have a negative effect bc she can sometimes block her own teammates which youll see her do against me in the video. Had 3 enemies chasing and i guess she tried to wall me in but i flashed over it and safe i was bc she blocked her teammates. That same encounter almost got Taliyah killed bc she came after me as well. Had her dead to rights but of course, as usual, i ran outta mana -_-. Anyways enjoy the game play!.