Joining ASK Gaming?

Hey YouTube, I am Kudu and this is my video responding to Ask Gaming. Now I have been playing CoD since I was 5 years old and I've always loved the game, even though its hard times. Then I thought I should just stop playing games and go do stuff more important. Then I discovered Vell and everything changed. I am a sixteen year old Canadian gamer who would want nothing more than to be on a pro team. I have been chasing this goal for years and now I finally have the chance. I want to join Ask Gaming because I see it as an opportunity to grow and be successful. As a player I bring god gun skill, knowledge of the game, and spawn control. I play the role of SMG slayer and OBJ but can also play various other roles if required. I believe I AM the best candidate for Ask because I have the same mindset as Vell. I too want to be inspirational and a reminder that dreams are possible. People dream of success everyday. I am one of the few who earn it. - Kudu.