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+++++++++++++++ Donation Alert +++++++++++++++. Have YOUR NAME and DONATION AMOUNT appear on the stream. Enter a CUSTOM MESSAGE to be read out loud. Receive a special THANK YOU from me. ++++++++++++++++ Chat Rules +++++++++++++++. Keep it clean, please. We like to interact like adults here, keep the rage down, and be respectful to others. |--| 2. Please no links unless cleared by a mod first. Just message them privately and ask if it's okay. |--| 3. Avoid harsh or vulgar language, please. |--| 4. Please don't talk poorly about other streamers/content creators and lets leave finances out of it. We don't want to be slanderous. Hey friends Don"t forget to put your questions in the Comments down below and don't forget to like, and Subscribe. +++++++++++++++ Music ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++. Hey guy all my music either comes from Ninety 9 lives or Chillpop Records. Below you will find links to both their webstes/ download links. enjoy. Chillpop Music.

anthony neff,   mikeneff2006,   neff nation,   destiny,   iron,   banner,   trials of osiris