Blender/The Sims 4 Studio: Girls` Generation Genie Dance Mod [TESTING!]
This is a WIP dance mod of GENIE from Girls Generation. I'm still working on it because at this point I'm a newbie/beginner for using The Sims 4 Studio also making mods. The dance is really not sync to the music I just edit it in Sony Vegas so that I can sync it in motions. I just got Sims 4 and so far, its really cool because I also got the expansion packs. I'm kinda exited what the dance will look like in the game. So yeah. I wanna know how to make the movements more smoother. So I'm calling the presence of masters in Blender, I wanna know how do you make an animation smoother instead of a robotic effect. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this video. Thanks..