A few weeks ago I started a YouTube channel that was supposed to be for TF2 + Garry's Mod gaming. Then I decided to scratch that. I uploaded this yesterday to that channel, because I learned(sorta) how to animate using SFM (Source Film Maker). Plz show the channel support. Thanks. Peepz in the GROUP;. Space Nerd. Hairy Walrus. Richard Bright. Ice Cold Diamond. Kirby Gamer. Michkaties Avenue. Daniel Gtalolsters. Subscribe to them AND ME LIKA DUH REDBUSS!!. A few FAQs:. -WHO IN HELL IS REDNEC?-. A Comedian who loves the sound of other peoples laughter and a Youtube-Gaming-Commentator who loves doing things because he can. -WHAT CAN I EXPECT FROM YOU-. Gaming, Vlogs, Roleplays, Laughs, a Good Day, Smiles, Cringes, OTPs, Hate, Love, but mostly Gaming and Laughs. -WHY DID YOU START YOUTUBE-. Cause ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). -WHAT IS LIFE-. Meaningless, you exist because God decided to put you here. I exist to cheer you up :P. -WHY DID I READ THIS-. Because if you didn't read it you wouldn't have read it. *illuminati music*.