How to Get Rid of Pigeons Humanely but Permenently. A DIY step by step guide on how to apply PiGNX

PiGNX is the first EPA Registered, New Technology Bio-Repellent for Birds. The only solution for repelling pest birds that is Safe & Effective. This amazing product is safe enough to use in homes and to apply yourself. This video gives you a step by step, safe, easy to follow guide on. There are three sections of instruction. 1-Materials and Equiptment you will need. 2-How to open and load a tube of PiGNX. 3-How to apply PiGNX in an effective pattern. 4-How to use the Five Gallon Bucket of PIGNX. 5-Tools and Materials needed for 5 Gallon PiGNX. 6-How to open the 5 Gallon Bucket. 7-How to Prepare the Bulk Load Caulking Gun. 7-How to Reload Gun Using a 5 Gallon Follow Plate. 8-How to prepare. PiGNX and all Detour products go to.