Hearthstone: Top 2 Tavern Brawl - funnest game yet

Hearthstone: Top 2 Tavern Brawl. Best deck/best cards to play. What do you think. I've been playing a bit of freeze mage. Well my own variant I guess. So I really wanted to try a deck with just a fuckton of ice lances and frostbites. That was too slow and just lead to death. So I got a brilliant and obvious idea. ICE BLOCK AND ICE LANCE. Ice lances to do the damage and ice blocks to be immune every turn cuz you never freaking run out. I ended up playing against a yogg-saron deck. This is one of my funnest and awesomest hearthstone games ever. so far. Hope you'll enjoy or enjoyed. LUVYA!.

gameplay,   game,   hearthstone