Season 6 Break the Meta! SolWolf tries to play AP Elise Mid....
Welcome to NEW Break the Meta. The point of this series is to show you that with a little bit of creativity, you can play LoL in ways you never thought was possible. Take your game to the next level, challenging yourself to think and play outside the box, and watch your game improve. If you have any ideas that you think would improve the series, don't hesitate to let me know. Remember to subscribe for more fun times. My personal experience as a piss poor Elise player is the easiest matchups I had was vs Zed. I checked up with some friends of mine and they said the same thing, Elise is pretty damn good at countering Zed. Of course this is all opinion, but try it for yourself sometime maybe. Form your own. This video was incredibly hard to find good footage for -.-. I'm sorry I didn't get late game footage, I was fed up as hell with playing the same champion many times x3. I play in normal games to get as organic footage as I can, and I've found my LoL skills getting rustier over time. Feeling pretty self conscious about it so my next couple videos might suffer. Thumbnail Art:.