|{Open Me Please!}|. What happens in this part: We see what life is going to be like with Ms. Alma Farley here in the Sims 2. It seems to be going quite interesting. About the family:. Alma Farley has had no easy life. Coming from a poor family in a bad neighborhood. She had to learn how to grow up really fast. She remembers, taking the bus to a friends house home from school. Only to walk home to the dingy apartment her family owned. She was too embarrassed to let anyone know what her life was like. All her life she remembers never really having a steady relationship. Never willing to give herself to really anyone. Her parents were not the greatest figures in her life coming from drugs and alcoholism. They were not the most nurturing of families. Since she was around all of this negative energy all her life she decided to run away at thirteen. Only to get sucked into the same things her parents did. She decided to leave the monster of her life behind and move to a new town with new faces. Hoping her new life will be a clean and happy slate. Not one tormented by her ghosts. Let's see where life takes Alma. All music I use:. Bensound -.