Best in the month of May, My Epic of Dota 2 (Art of Dota 2). Enigma : Delacroax (Me). Dark Seer : FrezzyCrime (Brother). Sniper : Kebab Bapa Raffi (friend - party). Dragon Knight & Bristleback : Spade (friend - party). Lich & Weaver : Jims (friend - party). Magnus : (q)o(q) (Player - no party). Software Edit : Vegas Pro 13. Song :. Dropouts - Unity (feat. Aloma Steele) [NCS Release]. - (00.00 & 05.15). Closers Online - Zone 3 - Christmas Singang High School (Town). - (02.59). DEAF KEV - Invincible [NCS Release]. - (05.51). Twitch :.