Upload Some Sims To The Gallery To Be Added To My Game Use The Hashtag #simsforviva. Origin ID: s1msjunki3. Like, Comment, Join #TeamJuicy & Subscribe, & Share. Thank you guys for watching my video. Welcome to season 4 of my original sims 4 let's play. This let's play starring Aiyanna, the daughter of my simself, as we watch how her life unfolds. If you would like to see more videos of the Sims 4 like and comment below. Q: How old are you. |--| A: 23. Q: Where do you get your custom content. |--| A: Tumblr & The Sims Resource. Q: What program do you use to record your videos. |--| A: Mirillis Action. Q: What are your computer specs. |--| A: My computer specs is in my about section on my channel page. Q: Can you link/upload your mods folder. |--| A: NO, being a CC creator myself we don't want our work reuploaded and not receiving credit for our own work. Thus it violates all creators TOU (Term of Use). Q: Why do your sims look this/that or wear this/that. |--| A: These are "my" sims and this is "my" game. "my" sims look and wear whatever I want them to. Want to become a Youtube partner. Join Maker Max:.