Music : The Frim - Bassline Skanka , Wiwek - Bang Bang Theory. 50 Лайков - новый хг \ спс за 200 сабов | ENG TEXT ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓. Ip : | PLEASE PRESS LIKE. |--| скоро анти отдача и трампа-комбо туториал \ TrampaCombo and AKBTutorial cooming soon. ENG TEXT : Hi boys with you RussianPvP and today in this series on the hunger games i would like to talk about the russian community and and his YouTube component. Russian community itself, I did not like never before, they never knew how to respect other players and their opponents. They set extremely stupid prefix for nicknames that foreigners certainly do not understand but I seeing the prefix according to the "sexy, hero and OnlySkill",. I remain in the wild and bewildered my eyes are bleeding. Because Russian sg community, for the most part, can not play, but nonetheless have exaggerated CDA without reason. |--| I really want make a contribution to this community, that I was not ashamed, and I could calmly reckon in players myself Russian community. But I'm so proudly I wear my nickname Russian PvP, so that the Me know how Russian player. That's actually my opinion about the Russian their game and in general. But there are Russian and very good players and people, so I am willing to change rest of the majority of people. Let's talk about Russian YouTube community that takes sg:. The present time appeared some kind of a fashion among above-mentioned people, "leave from youtube". They throw their channels for a month or two, and then again remove the video called "I'm back, and so on." But it looks very stupid. Of course, they collect popularity of channels receive more views, but they are collected in 2 or even 3 times more negative ratings than before. And then leave again on YouTube aforementioned month or two. I am in no any way going to so to do, because I think it is stupid and very I think this is a very bad thing..

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