●Thank you. on the channel, you will see the best moments of the game hearthstone and Epic, Funny and Fail Plays Hearthstone. On Monday morning,. you will see Best play hearthstone , in the afternoon, hearthstone gameplay and hearthstone arena, after 5, hearthstone tournament , night after 10, hearthstone tutorial. Sometimes, at night will be releasing videos on the game and with the famous cyber athlete hearthstone trump. On Tuesday morning, you will see hearthstone tutorial , in the afternoon, hearthstone arena guide , after 4, hearthstone fight night , in the evening, hearthstone guide. Every day you will look at these videos as a channel hearthstone funny moments and hearthstone epic plays. hearthstone funny and lucky plays. Only on weekends will be published this heading hearthstone funny and lucky moments. News column will be referred to as hearthstone news. The game is called a dedicated channel hearthstone game. Wednesday will be published under the name of the video clip hearthstone fails. Thursday rollers will leave the game and cyber athlete hearthstone amaz. Friday rollers will leave the game and cyber athlete hearthstone. Also you can watch new addon whispers of the old gods and test all of rng on yogg saron and new standart mode.