Question for Umbreon: Your on task, do you think your gonna be a long lasting survivor in your tribe. Also, who are you voting off. Question for Dragonite: How well do you think your gonna do after your first tribe council. Also, who are you voting off. Question for Mew: One of the last to submit a challenge response, what do you think your tribe members think of you. Also, who are you voting off. Question for Totodile: Your doing well, how do you think your gonna keep yourself safe during any of your tribal councils. Also, who are you voting off. Question for Scrafty: The tallest indeed, but do you think you might be the biggest target at tribal council. Also, who are you voting off. Question for Cyndaquil: A sort of hated Pokemon, could that affect you during council. Also, who are you voting off. Question for Lucario: A popular and wanted Pokemon, do you think your the biggest target in your tribe. Also, who are you voting off. Question for Sneasel: Would you consider yourself an average player in this game. Also, who are you voting off. Question for Charizard: Another popular and wanted Pokemon, how well do you think you're gonna do after tribal council. Also, who are you voting off. SUBMIT YOUR QUESTION/CHALLENGE RESPONSES AND THE MEMBER FROM YOUR TRIBE YOU ARE VOTING OFF BEFORE TUESDAY NIGHT!!. Email: [email protected] (for the people using phones and tablets!). Private message me on YouTube: PokemonPlushUniverse (for people on computers!). Here's how to private message:. Go to my channel, PokemonPlushUniverse. Click the about tab. Click send message. Then send your challenge response or message. TRIBE GIRATINA (IMMUNE!):. Fluffuinn' as Marill. Asteroid 6430 as Treecko. Marril Sky as Gallade. SuperPlushStudios as Mudkip. Gold Ampharos as Ampharos. Mario Bros X Gaming as Pikachu. Mr.Pikahu Bai as Carbink. ScreenScraggy 22 as Scraggy. TPI extravaganza as Shinx. ZECT GAGSTER 14 as Oshawott. TRIBE PALKIA (IMMUNE!):. Meowstic Hub as Meowstic. ThatOneSawk as Sawk. ArcticFox ZP as Celebi. Snickerwolf 05 as Pidove. Zilla Drilla as Tyrunt. Punching Pangoro as Pancham. Anime Fan as Pichu. Music rock life as Espeon. The_Tree_Frog as Croagunk. MarioTimeForever as Eevee. TRIBE DIALGA (AT TRIBAL COUNCIL):. XxTheGamingWolfxx36 as Umbreon (Submitted challenge response). Alex Cribbins as Dragonite (Submitted challenge response). Ace_De_Bacca as Mew (Submitted challenge response). David Kovacovich as Totodile (Submitted challenge response). EvinTheMudkip as Scrafty (Submitted challenge response). TheUltimateNavigator 1 as Cyndaquil. AnimeSunshine Mii as Lucario (Submitted challenge response). Ninja Sneasle 88 as Sneasel. mariofirebomb132 as Charizard.