and everyone who helped run another great event. Most games will have both the Dorito and Snake side view. Games that do not, will be noted. Enjoy. GoPro 3+ Black settings (common):. - 1080 @ 60 FPS/FOV Medium/Protune on/1920 X 1080. - Mounted on a DJ Light stand approximately 12' up. - Sony ECM CS3 lapel mic. - SanDisk 64 GB Pixtor or Extreme Plus memory card. GoPro 3+ Black (Dorito). - Mounted on RAM Mount. GoPro 3+ Black (Snake). - Mounted on Eye Of Mine Mount. Video Editor (Dorito/Snake) - GoPro Studio:. - +12db sound and Protune. - Exported at original settings. Video Editor (Splitscreen) - iSkysoft. - Imported GoPro Studio Files. - Exported only @ 30 FPS (the program's max export FPS).