I wasn't planning on releasing this video so quickly, but after hearing about how tank Vlad is becoming popular, my hand was forced into showing you what I have up my sleeve to take him down. Before I get started, this entire weekend is going to be filled with short videos just on account of how brutal, one-sided, and stompy the vast majority of the games I played were. This is the shortest one of the bunch as we get a sub-20 minute win, so I hope you'll tolerate things in the days to come. As for the match itself, Garen has tools to make Vlad extremely miserable, and when played correctly, he has to significantly alter his build just to survive. The first of which is that Vlad's E, which is his big move when stacking health, needs time to charge, which you can interrupt with your Q. Going Black Cleaver first means you get the CDR to have your Q up more often so you can prevent him from landing a big hit. The second advantage is that Vlad's W and E cost %HP to cast, which does somewhat punish him for stacking HP. As he weakens himself more and more, your ult becomes even more devastating than normal and your turn all of the health he is building into nothing. The third and final advantage I did not use since the video did not last long enough. Basically, going for Spirit Visage and Warmogs gives Vlad insane regen (400+%!). Once I had my Sunfire to deal damage for standing close to me and allowing me to counter jungle between waves, I intended to shell out the 800-900 gold to get an Executor's Calling. With that item, if I can hit Vlad with my auto, Q, or E, all of the sustain that he is known for is a thing of the past. Once I have that, the lane is OVER. He has to play ultra defensive and pray that I'm not able to tower dive him. Additionally, he can't afford to sit in the middle of a team fight, because one hit from my E means he becomes squishy. Tank Vlad may become a thing for the near future, but if you're willing to take Ignite or build an Executor's Calling, it is extremely easy to deal with him. The hardest part is simply keeping up with him since he can get periodic movement speed bursts from his Q. As for the rest of the game, I didn't realize Nautilus was a Diamond player. Unfortunately his path and mine never crossed during this extremely brief game to see him in action. Basically our combo would be his CC holding someone down while I pummel them until we reach the point I can execute with my ult. If Yi dove the backline, I can shred his armor so Ashe can beat him before he kills her. The only problem would be Azir, who is getting nerfed in the near future to finally try to address the zone control he has. So a pretty brutal game where you get to see the new Vlad build get smashed. It is pretty easy to beat for AD characters since EC is so cheap to buy, but AP characters will need to get Morello's or pack Ignite. Depending on which AP character it is, EC might still be a decent pick up, as I can see myself building it on Kennen if I were to run into this match up while I'm wielding the electric rodent..