Welcome to Episode 29 of #AskPaulKirtley, where I'm joined by canoe maestro Ray Goodwin. He answers 10 questions on canoeing, canoe tripping, expedition canoeing, beginning canoeing and progressing with canoeing trips and canoe skills. It's all about canoeing. And wilderness. [Click Show More for timestamps and more info]. TIMESTAMPS:. 04:40 Inflatable canoes and kayaks. 09:15 Sleeping in a canoe on the water. 13:20 Avoiding wrist pain when paddling canoes or kayaks. 18:35 Is back-paddling a canoe an outdated technique. 25:04 Advice for a first time multi-day canoe trip - what to expect. 31:45 Canoe saddles to east pressure on knees and ankles (with arthritis). 36:03 Bug suits, problems with bugs, avoiding bugs and the Bloodvein. 40:55 What skills are needed for the Frontier Bushcraft river Spey trip. 46:40 Advice on storing canoes, transporting canoes and getting back to your vehicle at the end of a trip. 53:11 What experience is needed to move to a larger river with rapids and stronger currents. How to gain this knowledge. WHAT IS #ASKPAULKIRTLEY. |--| #askpaulkirtley is your chance to ask Paul Kirtley questions about wilderness bushcraft, survival skills and outdoor life. Ask Paul Kirtley is a regular Q&A show (also available as a podcast) with leading bushcraft instructor Paul Kirtley, founder of Frontier Bushcraft and author of Paul Kirtley's Blog. ASK PAUL A QUESTION:. Ask a question here:.