Laptop Lock Overkill. Security at its Best. Tracking Your Laptop

Don't forget to install free tracking software from:. Prey allows you to track your laptop, get screen captures of your computer, and geolocation information from the isp used to log onto the internet. Materials for this project:. standard combonation locking mechanism bought off ebay for $2.95 delivered. (this is the first one that goes into the locking slot on the side). 5 Feet of 1/16th inch cabling from hardware store - $0.19 per foot. 4 aluminum cable clamps from hardware store - $.80 each. 1 lock and hasp $1.79. 1 combonation lock $4.99 (any lock will do). Instructions:. 1-bend the cabling and form a generic shape to fit around the hinge where the laptop screen meets the main body of the laptop. |--| 2-install the cable clamps on the ends to form loops. |--| 3-use a chisel and hammer to climp the cable clamps. 4-install an anchor point using the lock and hasp (or any other method to affix a secure locking point. |--| 5-enjoy piece of mind knowing its now going to be less than easy for someone to walk off with your laptop. PLEASE NOTE-. DO NOT try to close the laptop with the cables installed. not a good idea and may cause damage..