Recently we have seen a mysterious new app on the side of our farms called Facebook Games Arcade.The icon that appears on the side of our games inviting us to download the new app. Yes it is really from Facebook and yes it is safe. If you have already downloaded the app, there is also a play button to activate it from. Some browsers may give you a pop-up for permission, since the button launches an external desktop app, but this is nothing to worry about. Essentially, Facebook Games Arcade is a desktop app that will allow you to play without connecting to Facebook in a browser. -If you opt to download, simply click one of the download buttons you will get a popup stating that it is downloading. -Then one stating that it is installing. |--| -When it is finished you will have a notification where you normally find your downloads (location depends on browser) to install the program. |--| -Then you will get a popup for permissions and it will install. You will always get a security warning with a .exe file. While they are the most common file type for installing programs, they are also common in viruses. This is really from Facebook and is safe. |--| -It will auto launch on first run. |--| -After that you will find an icon on your desktop. -The first time it launches you will need to log in. If your computer is not shared with others with Facebook accounts your picture should be there with option to continue as you. If not click on switch account..