Razer Turret Review - Living Room PC gaming Keyboard & Mouse for Windows, Mac, Android, Linux
VIDEO INDEX:. 0:46 - Hardware overview. 3:34 - Gaming demonstration on a lap. 5:14 - Conclusion and final thoughts. Gamers will not like its lack of keyboard backlighting. I was surprised this premium-grade product lacks that key feature. But it's otherwise a very solid platform that brings true mouse and keyboard controls to the couch. The mouse pad unfolds from the bottom of the keyboard and locks into place. It makes for a very rigid platform on the lap, with plenty of lateral space for the type of mouse movement typically used in first person shooter games. The mouse has two buttons on the side to adjust its overall sensitivity. I really like the compatibility. It works with anything that takes a USB or bluetooth keyboard and mouse. That means Windows, Mac, Android, and even linux platforms like a Steam Machine. But it lacks customization features so it's not possible to use macros or customize mouse controls. Build quality is great on the keyboard and mouse pad. The mouse feels a little more generic (it's small and made of plastic) but it controls very well. The keyboard feels a lot like a mid-range laptop keyboard - so don't expect those clicky mechanical keys found on most gaming keyboards. The magnet that is supposed to keep the mouse from sliding off the mouse pad doesn't have much of a grip so don't expect much from that feature. But overall this is a nice device that solves a problem for many PC gamers who just can't get used to playing their favorite PC shooting games with a game controller. Subscribe to my email list to get a weekly digest of upcoming videos.