5 Pentakill Viktor League of Legends 2016 - Viktor Pentakill 2016 - Pentakill May 2016

5 Pentakill Viktor League of Legends 2016 - Viktor Pentakill 2016 - Pentakill May 2016. Viktor – the Machine Herald. Early in life, ViktorSquare.png Viktor discovered his passion for science and invention, particularly in the field of mechanical automation. He attended Zaun's prestigious College of Techmaturgy and led the team that constructed BlitzcrankSquare.png Blitzcrank, a scientific breakthrough that he expected to vault him to the top of his profession. Unfortunately his triumph was usurped by Professor Stanwick, who stole credit for developing Blitzcrank's sentience and later used Viktor's research to revive UrgotSquare.png Urgot. Viktor's appeals for justice fell on deaf ears, and he sank into a deep depression. He withdrew from the College and barricaded himself in his private laboratory, cutting all human ties. There, in secret, he conceived a project for which nobody else could claim credit. Desiring both to revolutionize his field and to eliminate the jealous human emotions which festered inside him, he engineered parts to replace and improve his own body. When Viktor re-emerged, almost no trace of the original man remained. Not only had he supplanted the majority of his anatomy, but his personality had changed. His previous hope to better society was replaced by an obsession with what he called "the glorious evolution". He saw himself as the patron and pioneer of Valoran's future, a future in which man would renounce his flesh in favor of superior hextech augmentations. Though Viktor's initial appeals were met with heavy skepticism, scientists were confounded by the sophistication of his machinery. By integrating his mind with techmaturgical devices, he had been able to drastically accelerate the progress of his research. His transformation had stripped him of what he perceived as his emotional weaknesses, but there was some lingering residue of resentment against the Professor. Viktor joined the League of Legends to pit his inventions against the greatest opponents Valoran could offer, and to correct any weaknesses or inefficiencies that remained. "In one's hand, techmaturgy is a tool. As one's hand, it is liberation.". ― Viktor. 5 Pentakill Viktor League of Legends 2016 - Viktor Pentakill 2016 - Pentakill May 2016. Let's watching video 5 Pentakill Viktor League of Legends 2016 - Viktor Pentakill 2016 - Pentakill May 2016 with us!!. Subscribe and Like for more great Pentakill!. Have fun with 5 Pentakill Viktor League of Legends 2016 - Ashe Pentakill 2016 - Pentakill May 2016!!. Viktor pentakill, Viktor ,Viktor 2016, pentakill, Viktor pentakill 2016, Pentakill Viktor , Pentakill Viktor 2016, Penta hooligan, Viktor Pentakill lol,Viktor Pentakill lol 2016, Pentakill Viktor lol 2016, Pentakill Viktor lol,Viktor montage, Viktor montage 2016, Viktor montage s6, Viktor highlights,Viktor highlight 2016,Viktor build, Viktor guild, Viktor lol, Viktor lol 2016,Viktor lol s6, Pentakill May 2016.

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