Metal Gear Solid 5 - EXTREME Sahelanthropus Boss Battle PISTOL only
music used: Metal Slug 5 OST - Final Attack. no CGM-25's. no usage of tanks.. no usage of Battle Dress. just the trusty handgun!. *and a bit of pequod.. but he completely stops supporting you half-way through the battle when sahelanthropus starts using its railgun*. scenario is obviously inspired by the Metal Slug Games.. cause you can destroy gundam sized enemies in that game just using a freaking handgun XD *sadly i wasnt able to use a RAWKET LAWNCHAIR or the HEAVY MASHEENGAWN*. this was my 2nd attempt to destroy sahelanthropus using only a handgun. the 1st attempt i got killed by the damn railgun when i wasnt fast enough to hide behind a rock. Metal Slug X Metal Gear Solid crossover please XD.