The Firefighter Mod for GTA V allows you to play the game as a firefighter. This is an early alpha version of the mod, so it is fairly bare, but at least its something. Post any issues/suggestions you have as a reply to this thread. Current features:. Enabling the mod teleports you to the Paleto Bay fire station, equipping you with a fire truck, fire extinguisher, and setting your model to a firefighter. |--| 3 unique structural fires. 7 unique vehicle fires. Player model appearance randomization. Random callout generation. Callouts are generated every 30-45 seconds. If not, press F10 to force a callout. |--| Planned features:. Fire Station selection. Partner recruiting. Calling for backup. Object placing (barriers, cones). More callouts. Plenty more. GTAV Firefighter Mod 1.0-a5:.