Hearthstone | Lore of the Cards | Twin Emperor Vek'lor

(a free app to keep you up to date on LoL and Hearthstone esports). Artists:. Mike Sass: Vek'Lor and Vek'Nilash. James Ryman: Cho'Gall, Ironaya, Kith'ix representation, Illuminated Tol'vir, C'thun HS. Wei Wang: The Ancient One. Glenn Rayne: Qiraji, Zul'jin, Crouching Troll, Night Elf Archer, Night Elf Male. Samwise Didier: Y'Sharaaj, Troll Witchdoctor, Qiraji prophet. Peter Lee: Thorim, Titans, Titan-forged army, Hand of Tyr, Zandalar, Black Empire, Dragon Aspects, Scarab Wall. Jakub Kasper: Silithid. Tooth:Yogg Saron. Genzoman: Orcs. Alex Horley: Close up Yogg Saron, Troll Hunter, Troll in bushes. Johnboy Meyers: Troll Priestess, Opening of the Scarab Wall. Oberon: Raging Troll. Manpoya: Frenzied Troll. Raymond Swanland: DOOM!, Anachronus, Vaporize, Lay on Hands. Greg Staples: Troll in Vodoo mask. Fobiapharmer: Berserk Troll. Paul Davies: Troll VS Troll. Paul Mafayon: Anubisath. Jaemin Kim: Mantid, Skeram Cultist. Tom Fleming: Silithid Wasp. Richard Wright: Eye of C'thun. Chris Seaman: Blizzard. Howard Lyon: Arcane Explosion. Dave Allsop: Shadow Bolt. Luca Zontini: Evolve. Ludo Lullaby and Tony Washington: Fandral. Dan Osix: Colourful Ahn'Qiraj. Mike Bowden: C'thun's corpse, Close Fandral, Fandral Channeling. El-Grimlock: Night Elf Rogue, Stone Tol'vor. Jim Nelson: Bronze Dragon. Anton Zemskov: Obsidian Destroyer. Dan Scott: Tol'vir Drain life. Jesper Edjsing: Caelestraz. Ben Zhang: Arygos. Jeff Easley: Merithra. Dan Dos Santos: Saurfang. Ed Moffatt: Channel art.

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