Thomas Tank Dark Side Knock Off Toys Ep 6 & 7 Green Thomas Glarabel MONSTER REVIEW
MEGA MONSTER DOUBLE TROUBLE THOMAS THE TANK DARK SIDE. In this whopping update you will see the unboxing of some very nasty fake Thomas The Tank toys. During 2013 there seems to be a flood of new dark side toys in the shops, there is lots more to be seen in future episodes. You will see a Thomas Tank Roller Coaster playlet which actually works pretty well. Two Talking Thomas The Tanks with bump and go action, moving mouth and eyes and a real smoke effect. Lets also look at a small range of fake merchandise, raincoat, umbrella, watches, caps and school bag. Just for the shock value I show you some fake Monster High dolls and you can clearly see how poorly they are made. To get back on track lets then look at a toy mash up of a Thomas The Tank and Ben 10 knock off train sets, it's lots of fun to bring these two small and fast fake train sets together. Lets keep rolling and take a look at a new variation of a clone Thomas The Tank Big Loader playlet. For some reason the trains have new names and changes to the faces. Then comes a TOMY Thomas The Tank clone and it's called Truck Master ( not TrackMaster ). This is a very strange train set as Thomas The Tank is green, and Annie & Clarabel have now become two carriages called Glarabel. I use this knock off to do a short Thomas Vs Thomas so you can see how weak the fake Thomas Tank is Vs the real licensed Thomas The Tank. In no way can I endorse these styles of products, they are low quality and often have small parts which easily break away. It should be a very clear reminder to all of us just how good the licensed Thomas & Friends products are. Thomas and Friends, "Томас и его друзья" "Thomas y sus amigos" "Thomas und seine Freunde" "きかんしゃトーマス" "토마스와 친구들" "Thomas et ses amis" "thomas dan teman-teman" "थॉमस और दोस्तों" "Thomas ei suoi amici" "โทมัสและเพื่อน ๆ" "thomas e seus amigos" "Thomas och vänner" "托马斯和朋友" "Thomas og Friends" "Thomas ve Arkadaşları" "توماس والأصدقاء" "Thomas và các bạn". Thomas the Train, "Thomas el tren" "Thomas le train" "トーマス電車" "토마스 기차" "Томас поезд"" Thomas o trem" "Thomas kereta" "Thomas der Zug" "Thomas ang tren" "Thomas vlak" "托马斯火车" "توماس القطار" "Thomas a vonat" "Thomas tàu". Web Links:.