League of Legends - Rengar Gameplay (ASCENSION MODE)

Its time for League of Legends. Soooo today Avishay is gonna play Rengar on the ASCENSION MODE (The new mode in the Dominion map, Since the Dominion is deleted from League of Legends. ) this will be a hard game. but, will avishay have a good team. will they get the "Big Xerath" us avishay says. will they accuatly win this game?. WELL, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE READING THIS?. GO CLICK THE VIDEO!!. |--| outro song - DEAF KEV - Invincible By NCS. add avishay on skype - avishay shuster. Follow yuval on twitch. - SuperGamesBro. Mail yuval on GMail to request games, songs, and tips to make our videos better for you to watch. - theloleyguy@gmail.com. follow us on Facebook - AndroSling YT. follow us on twitter - AndroSling YT. Dont forget to like, comment and subscribe!.

league of legends ascension