INTERNET. Today Nanners and I Cheat together. It's also my 25th Birthday. I'M OLD :D. Leave a Like if you Enjoyed the Video. Thank you. |--| Link to Subscribe. - The Game is simple to understand. There are two teams, the hunters and the Props. The game functions like a giant game of hide and seek, with the props looking to avoid detection for the duration of the round. The Props: They have 30 seconds to find at items that they can turn into, and be able to blend into the environment to avoid detection. Whether it be a table, a chair, a book, anything that will allow them to assimilate with the environment as if it was always there. If the props do this well enough, the enemy team can use up all of their chances at guessing before they are found out. The Hunters: They have to look around the map for props that seem out of place and guess which it is. Whether it be an object that seems weird, or moves, or just doesnt seem proper. the hunters have to decide and smash that item. But be careful, each shot or hit will cost the hunter 5 health if they are incorrect. A correct hit will yield no health loss, indicating that the item is a prop. Enjoy. The Other Survivors.