Starcraft 2 Arcade: Blitz Fire (Co-op w/ JayborinoPlays) (BWTT)
Blitz Fire, created by Trieve, is an accessible, streamlined, and fast paced Starcraft 2 arcade game, which is rare with multiplayer turn-based strategy games and unique to the SC2 real-time engine. Playable by searching "blitz fire" in the SC2 Arcade. Welcome to the Bi-Weekly Testing Thread (BWTT). As per an initiative on sc2mapster, the BWTT revolves around testing specific maps made by community members. What does this mean. Simple: editors in need of feedback suggest their own maps, and the chosen one will be used for the that BWTT. See if you can take the time to hit these maps up on the arcade or download them, and post your detailed feedback on sc2mapster. What did you like, what did you not like. What could be improved, and possibly: how. Good luck and have fun to all. Blitz Fire Testing Thread:.