You know when you stop and think about it, weapons in video games are overlooked and generally not given much credit. It’s surprising what little consideration we give them sometimes. Weapons are just as important to the narrative as much as the protagonist is. What would a hero like Simon Belmont be without his signature whip the “Vampire Killer”. Or even Mega Man for that matter minus his famous Mega Buster. As much as we love many of these classic games, they’d be considerably different if not for the weapons these heroes possess. Welcome to 5x5, the Xyphur’s Weekly Top 5 Countdown. For this list we’re going to be counting down our picks for the 5 best weapons in video games. Which weapon topped our list. Stay tuned to find out. Let us know your picks below and subscribe to our channel for Top 5 lists every week. -. Stay up to date on all the news you care about from gaming, tech, entertainment, comics, startup, food, fashion, beauty and more. Follow The Xyphur on:. ➡︎ Website:.