ESL S3W6 MKXL Replays - AtaiPRProdigy vs. YOMI RM JagoBlake - Mortal Kombat XL
MKXL Pro League hosted by ESL (May 8, 2016). AtaiPRProdigy (Kitana) vs. YOMI RM JagoBlake (Scorpion). Players are encouraged to join in on the MKXL Pro League if they own a Playstation 4 and a copy of the game. Entry is completely free, and as long as participation remains consistent the game is guaranteed to get more tournament seasons. Players who own either an Xbox One or Playstation 4 may also enter the ESL Challenger Cups held every Saturday to prove their worth. However, players who place Top 8 in one of the Pro League's weekly brackets may not compete in the Challenger Cup for the next week. To sign up, go to the link below:.