Get 10% off as well if you use the promotion code ROSSOME. Hey guys, welcome back to another Minecraft video. Today House_Owner is joined by Mithzan for Minecraft Build Battle, and this time, they’re playing together rather than against each other. Their first theme is Wizard, and they decide to build the Office Wizard, Jake. It’s well-established that Jake is The Man, more man than either Ross or Max, and Ross build the wizard hat while Max builds a snowflake (after Jake’s more well-known name, Yellowsnoflake). Ross makes a travesty of a “wizard hat,” but in the end they dump lava on each other’s creations. They scramble to build some actual wizards together, which ends in Ross taking off his Harry Potter socks and putting them on his head while Max constructs signs around the lava that red (spoilers!) “Dumbledore dies” and “so does Fred, he is ded.” They land eleventh place and move onto Werewolf. Ross decides to make a very aware wolf, and Max happily jumps on the train and suggests that they build a lighthouse. And put the wolf on top. So it’s awarewolf. Obviously. Their lighthouse looks a bit like the Cat in the Hat’s hat, and it makes Max a little mad. Ross wonders why they’re not building a warehouse for their wolf, but Max shushes him and they continue in their construction. Ross build a lovely spiral staircase inside, but Max doesn’t appreciate true beauty. At the last second, Max submerges their lighthouse in water. They end up in second place, and that’s it for this episode of Minecraft Build Battle. Thanks for watching, and we’ll see you next time!.