League of Legends | Swain Top Lane Gameplay | Patch 6.10 | Normal Draft Queue | Low Gold ELO
I'll probably be uploading random gameplays when I can. If I did a poor job of explaining anything here in the description, let me know in the comments and I'll try to fix that in the next video. BUILD:. I start Refillable Potion and Dark Seal for the mana and increased healing from potions, as well as passive stacks from laning and later (you start with 0 stacks so any number of stacks is free AP for you). You can also start Doran's Ring and 2HP pots if you feel you need the HP from Doran's. I try to pick up Catalyst and a corrupting potion on my first back. The catalyst is a flexible item for swain because you can build it into Rod of Ages, or the Hextech GLP-800, and the corrupting potion is nice for the added burn when zoning and trading with your lane mate as well as the mana restoration, which refillable potion does not have. You can build Rod or the Hextech GLP based of preference, but I reccomend the Hextech GLP for the active which is good for avoiding ganks or chasing. For boots, I like to build Lucidity Boots for the CDR, Which is ALWAYS good on Swain. My second item is Spirit Visage. Spirit Visage is almost a required item on Swain because he takes advantage and gets good use of all the stats on it, as well as the increased healing from the passive effect. After building your Catalyst Item and a Spirit Visage, you can build Rylai's for more AP, HP, and the slowing effect (which was recently fixed on Swain), or you can build tanky based on the enemy team comp. If you choose to build tank items, I reccomend: Abyssal Scepter, Banshee's Veil, or Guardian Angel for Magic Resist, For Armor, I reccomend: Zhonya's Hourglass, Frozen Heart, or Thornmail, and for HP I reccomend Warmog's, Liandry's (which synergizes with Rylai's), or Sunfire Cape. If you choose to build more AP because your snowballing, I reccomend Rabadon's Deathcap, Zhonya's Hourglass, or Morellonomicon. Remember, you can always upgrade your Dark Seal to Mejai's if you are snowballing and don't play too greedy. MASTERIES:. 12 ferocity. 0 cunning. 18 Resolve. Keystone - Grasp of the Undying. RUNES:. Purples - Spellvamp. Reds - Hybrid Pen (can use magic pen instead). Yellows - Flat Health. Blues - AP per Level.