QtDD12 - Effective QML: Best practices for Developing with Qt Quick - Adenilson Calvacanti

Abstract: This talk will discuss various topics in the area of Qt and Qt Quick, including QML, for readers who want to do rapid GUI development on devices with touchscreens as also desktops. Qt Quick provides reusable items for responding to gestures, and a high level declarative language for defining snappy and smooth animations. As with any new technology, QML good practices and tricks of the trade are just being discovered by programmers and designers. Have you ever been on a project (or heard about a project) using this technology that is not performing well on the target hardware. Have you heard before that QML is good only for prototyping and not for the final application. What about when developing for the desktop, does it make sense to use QML for it. Should I write my application using QWidget, QGV or QML. Is it possible to not have C++ in the mix at all. These are common questions heard by programmers and designers in the trenches and one of the goals of this presentation is to help you answer them. Intended audience: newbies and advanced Qt/QML users.