Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Zombies"Der Eisendrache Easter egg Stream"
My channel will mainly contain daily zombies content and tutorials.You can stay tune to my channel by subscribing and staying up to date on my videos.If you would like to send me a friend request on playstation my name is ImPharox.You guys can just message me or invite me if you want to play or if you want me to help you. |--| I have finished the Der Eisendrache easter egg twice but will still help anyone who would like to get the achievment or high rounds.I currently do not have an xbox one or any other consoles beside playstation,xbox 360,and wii u so I am sorry for everyone will an xbox one or ps3.I will try to post daily uploads but I might not upload somedays since I am busy with school or am not home but I will still try my hardest to post daily zombies content for my viewers and subscribers.The benefits of subscribing are that you will be notified when I upload and if you would like to see them just go to the subscribtions on the left side.I hope you guys do enjoy my content & SUB.