Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon Starters and Legendaries Trailer Reaction Mashup
Lower your volume when wearing headphones. On May 10 2016, Pokemon fans around the world experience their first look on the reveal of Rowlet, Litten and Popplio, the three new Starter Pokemon of Sun and Moon and along with the two mascot legendaries in this trailer. This reaction mashup contains the most awesome, craziest, speechless and hyped reactions to the Starters and Legendaries trailer of Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon, that will be released for the Nintendo 3DS, 3DS XL and 2DS in November 18 2016 worldwide and November 23 2016 in Europe. Hope you guys enjoy this mashup and subscribed to the channels of the fans whose reactions are featured in it. Link to Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon Starters and Legendaries Trailer:.