Witness Says Muslim Who Stabbed Multiple Women 'Was Shouting About That Lee Rigby'

This horrific story is ignored because the knifeman was Muslim. Worse, every single media outlet (including the one at the Weekly Standard that posted this video of eyewitness accounts) scrubbed the lede -- that the jihadi was screaming Lee Rigby's name. May 22nd was day day Lee Rigby's , a young British soldier, was beheaded by devout Muslims on a London street in broad daylight. Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale ran him down with a car, then used knives and a cleaver to stab and hack him to death. So here's your takeaway. Women being hacked to death in a supermarket parking on the anniversary of beheading of a young British father is of no import. The only thing that matters is protecting Islam..