Final Fantasy X: Ronso Rage (Blue Magic) Demonstration

Kimahri Ronso is introduced in FFX as a member of the Ronso tribe. While taller than humans, he is smaller than the average Ronso. Unlike other Ronso, Kimahri has a broken horn, which serves as a distinguishing characteristic. Similar to characters such as Quina, Kimahri can be considered a Blue Mage. Like all Rosno, Kimahri has a lancet ability, which grants him the power to obtain various enemy skills throughout the game. These skills can then be used in overdrive throughout the game. Gaining a new enemy skill fills up Kimahri’s overdrive bar instantly. Kimahri automatically starts with the ability Jump. Specifically, lancet is an ability in Final Fantasy X that allows characters to absorb HP and MP from their opponents. If Kimahri uses this ability on certain fiends, he will have a chance to learn a new Ronso Rage. Similar to other spells such as Drain, Lancet does damage to its user if it is used on a fiend who is undead fiend or zombie status. The damage that lancet causes is not considered physical or magical, but rather falls into its own “special” category. Lancet is not influenced by the spells protect or shell..

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