CS:GO How To Buy Terrorist Side (Early Game)

T-Buying is one of the most daunting tasks for a new player in CS:GO. I hope to simplify and make it easy for new players to understand, and at the same time, allow others to see the reasoning to buy patterns in CS:GO. If anyone is curious WHY my stats could be off by $300, is that towards the beginning of the chart, I also factored in the $300 plant bonus, and later on wised up to not. I couldn't edit it because I accidentally saved my photoshop file for the CT format and couldn't edit it. I'm a dingus. 0:00 What to buy when (WHAT YOU WANT). 0:22 Bomb Plant's Effects. 0:30 Reasoning When Planting 1st Round. 0:55 Reasoning When Not Planting 1st Round. 1:49 Buying When Winning Pistol Round. Donations (In no way expected, but those who feel to contribute -.