Friendly Double Battles Tournament - Live Stream Highlights 【Pokemon ORAS】
Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. Friendly Double Battles Tournament (5.28.2016). Twitch Live Stream Highlights. This was a tournament we held with entry level prizes (Happy Hour Smeargle) as well as shinies and legendaries for Top Cut over on Twitch on Saturday May 28th 2016. The format and rules consisted of the following:. Swiss-system Tournament (5 rounds). Single-elimination Top 4 (Best 2 out of 3). Doubles, Flat Rules, Handicaps Off. All Legendary and Mythical Pokemon were banned. The matches were recorded with the VS Recorder and submitted in for viewing on the stream (with consent). If you'd like to see more friendly tournaments like this on the channel, please let us know. ★Like★Comment★Share★Subscribe★.