Christmas Song | We Wish You a Merry Christmas | Mother Goose Club Playhouse Video

Looking for lyrics. Turn on closed captions to sing along. Big thanks to all of our fans out there, big and small. Original lyrics and music by Sockeye Media LLC © 2015. All rights reserved. Lyrics:. We wish you a merry Christmas. |--| We wish you a merry Christmas. |--| We wish you a merry Christmas. And a happy new year. Glad tidings we bring. To you and your kin. |--| We wish you a merry Christmas. And a happy new year. We all want some figgy pudding. |--| We all want some figgy pudding. |--| We all want some figgy pudding. |--| Please bring it right here. We won't go until we get some. |--| We won't go until we get some. |--| We won't go until we get some. |--| Please bring it right here. Glad tidings we bring. To you and your kin. |--| We wish you a merry Christmas. And a happy new year. We wish you a merry Christmas. |--| We wish you a merry Christmas. |--| We wish you a merry Christmas. And a happy new year..