Intro. Turtle Woods. Snow Go. It's another Let's Play. Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back continues on from the first Crash Bandicoot game, with Cortex falling from his blimp after your initial victory. After some minor plot gubbins, we return into the worn soles of Crash Bandicoot, at the behest of his sister, Coco (who he totally had in the previous game no really) - her laptop dies, and you get told to fetch a new battery. On thinking about it, this doesn't make too much sense, but it kicks off the plot, where we're tasked with finding crystals. And find them we do - hidden deep within the different locales of the islands. I probably would've started this sooner were I not so highly critical of my own work. Hell, I've been agonizing over this specific video for a while, but I figured I'd get a start on it so I have some justification to actually try and get better. That at least makes sense to me. But oh well, let's just get on with it :V.