Speaker: Robin KAY. London Haskell user group. 26th November 2014. This talk demonstrates the basics of using the HsQML library to build rich cross-platform graphical user interfaces for Haskell programs. HsQML is a Haskell binding to Qt 5, a popular C++ framework for writing desktop and mobile applications. Distinctively, the binding focuses on leveraging Qt's own domain specific language (QML) for describing user interfaces and closely coupling that environment to Haskell rather than exposing Qt's functionality directly. This trade-off was a pragmatic choice versus reimplementing more of the UI stack in Haskell and in return offers fluid access to Qt's widget library and design tools. The talk illustrates, via a worked example, how to describe user interfaces using QML and then bring them to life by data-binding against Haskell code. The split between front and back ends invites a comparison with the web, but the two pieces are much more intimately coupled. Hence, we seek as much as possible for QML to be a lightweight skin over the underlying Haskell business logic and use the best tool for each job..