"UNTURNED IN VIRTUAL REALITY WOO HOO!!!" Unturned HTC Vive Virtual Reality (VR) Game!
If you enjoy these HTC Vive VR videos. show your love & support and HIT THAT LIKE BUTTON!!. Welcome to Unturned VR, the level editor for the popular and REALLY fun zombie survival game, available on Steam for the HTC Vive (Steam VR) Virtual Reality set. About Unturned VR:. Unturned is a sandbox game in the emerging multiplayer apocalypse survival genre. Rather than focusing on being an MMO it provides players with easy systems to sit down and survive the zombie infestation with their friends. Over the course of a typical adventure, groups will have a blast fortifying locations, scavenging for supplies, trying to live off the land and negotiating with other people. The game is being developed entirely with the community in focus, and tons of features are based entirely on feedback:. Fortification:. Players can build massive forts out of structural building blocks, or build onto smaller buildings in the world with barricades. It is also possible to create traps and intricate electronic systems. More options for building are constantly being added based on what the community requests. Survival:. It is entirely possible to live off the wilderness by harvesting resources, fishing, growing crops and hunting animals down. What sort of survival stuff is added is entirely decided by the community. Explore:. The game goes where the community wants it to. The initial release map is set on the lovely Prince Edward Island, but over the next few months many more locations will arrive for players to explore depending on what the community wants to see. Currently the island has plenty of interesting locations to discover and loot. Bandits:. Players can choose to enter player versus player servers and battle other players to steal their gear. Banditry is highly supported with plenty of weapons and sneaky devices. Heroes:. Players can join player versus environment servers to team up with other people, and easily create clans to play with their pals. Roomscale VR Support:. Unturned's level editor now supports the Vive. You can build the visuals of your maps using motion controllers with modes that provide the same functionality as the desktop editor, along with some special abilities like throwing objects. For non-visuals elements of the level such as data entry, spawn management or navigation baking the desktop editor is still required. Outro Music by Elybeatmaker. Full song here:.