Here is my hearthstone whisper of the old gods review, overview, whatever you want to call it. I like the new standard and wild formats, it somewhat balanced things. Seems like new players are pressured to make C’thun decks since he’s free. But really that ain’t going to win you any world championships. It does mean that they have to release an expansion on a strict time schedule. So it is only a matter of time before a new hero class is announced. I usually run a control warrior but games ended up taking way too long, took me two years to get the golden portrait after 500 ranked wins. This season I’m going to try either miracle rogue or dragon priest. Maybe Yogg Saron Mage. I don’t think I have enough dust to make all of those constructed deck so I have to chose wisely. Also wanted to try reno lock but i still don't have lord jaraxxus(EREDAR LORD OF THE BURNING LEGION). Also evolution shaman looks tempting. I think I want to play everything. I’m sure I’ll just end up following the top meta snapshot decks. Although they need to do something about arena. Most people have to look up guides to see tips on what to pick or what cards have the most value. Should be more accessible, and speaking about accessibility when are they adding an in game deck tracker. I feel like I’m at a slight disadvantage without it. Tavern brawl should always have premade decks and never constructed. If it’s constructed give me the ability to choose from everycard. Since half the time is some crazy dynamic, having to breed murlocs with sheep to do damage to the enemy hero. The best thing that came out of this expansion is the new ‘wow’ emote, clearly some sort of power play to shamelessly promote their movie. I still don’t understand why they removed the sorry emote; it is needed because there is a lot of RNG and you really do feel sorry for your opponent. Remember that RNGsus is a thing and he's hiding easter eggs all over this game. Why is the first Year named after the kraken. It is very non sequitur because that is probably one of the only creatures that was not in World of Warcraft. Blizzard should've named it Year of the Gnoll or Crocolisk. Opening packs is boring but I was lucky that I got 2 Legendarys from those 50. I also did get a 3rd from the free 13 packs, I think it was the boogeymonster or something stupid. This whole card set is based on the Gods: Nzoth, Yshaarj, Yogg Saron, cthun. Ended up crafting twin emperors, will craft deathwing and hallazeal next. Not Ragnaros. Is that lore even canon. Is rag going to be the holy paladin class hall leader. It’s too bad MMOs are dead and I probably won’t find out. Shaman did get the best cards, and I don’t think blizzard is planning any nerfs soon. If you were paying attention there was a funny moment of gameplay at the end. My day one aggro zoo shaman deck killed him on turn 5 with the flamewreath faceless and I felt really bad about that play because I hate aggro decks. But I do hate druids because their force of nature savage roar combo that went on for two years. That was way worse that secret paladin. I need to watch some pro tournaments (dreamhack?) because all my knowledge is based around the 15-10 bracket. No where near rank 1. ADJECTIVE GAMING OUT.