Welcome back ladies and gentlemen to a brand new Star Wars Battlefront 2 Mod Map Gameplay. Today we go on the KotOR Mod Test Map by DarthVeritus which was an initial test for a cancelled project of a much larger scale which involved bringing ported models for the Knights of the Old Republic series over to Star Wars Battlefront 2 to create a brand new era mod. This test map is more or less a scattering of trees, some hills, most likely from the stock Planet Yavin and the sky looks like it is just the Yavin Sky sadly but I guess that is alright since after all it is a test map. All the new units use ported models from KoToR to make up two entirely new sides. The Old Republic team has new units and The Sith Empire also has a bunch of newly made units as well. All the units are armed with brand new weapons, many using models from KotOR. There are also two new heroes named Darth Revan for the Sith and Bastila Shan for the Republic. Did you find this gameplay interesting and now you want to give this mod map a download to try the mod map out for yourself to see if you like the mod map or not. If so then feel free to do so with the link I have provided for you in the description below. DOWNLOAD LINK:.