Hearthstone: Priest vs N'zoth Paladin - Greedy Entomb ft. Badass Ooze

Allright guys. |--| In this video we feature a very interesting decision point involving Entomb. Hope you guys find it useful. On the other hand, i keep on my mission of improving this decklist against aggro matchups while keeping the core of the deck (the C'thun + N'zoth collaboration). While testing some changes to the original decklist i stumbled on that very fun game against a N'zoth Paladin. The problem is that poor N'zoth didn't get to have fun, and you are about to see why. There is also a bonus at the ending, featuring a very nasty and badass Ooze. For real. Any questions and critics can and SHOULD be posted on the comments beeee-lowww. The decklist is HERE:.