Testing DS Games on Cemu 1.5.0

Hello guys, welcome to Emulators for PC, where i'll be hosting emulators. For this video, i'll be showing off Cemu. This emulator is still in development and it could quite take a long time. But the devs are working really hard on this project. Exzap, one of the developers, has added a recompiler so some games work in 60 FPS. I highly recommend donating these devs, because they are doing great. Also he added multi-controller support, so you should see me play multiplayer in the future. Comment below about what games you want to work on the next version. In this video, i'll be testing 3 games which, obviously they don't work. But they show frames, but then suddenly it crashes. Thanks all for the support. Note: Emulators for PC doesn't host roms nor links. |--| This is an educational video. Nintendo are the authors of this game. All rights reserved. My specs sorry they suck :(. Note that the specs are always on windows 7 not on the laptop (Windows 10). AMD Athlom(tm)2 x4 635 processer (4 CPUS), about 2.9 GHz. 4 gb RAM. Nvidia GeForce GT 430. Link Forums.

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