Hey guys, welcome back to another Minecraft video. Today SkyDoesMinecraft is playing Minecraft Would You Rather with House_Owner, Mithzan, and RedVacktor. Basically what happens in this Would You Rather is that someone asks a would you rather question and people answer either red or green, and if the majority vote is on what the asker picked he gets a point. Sky goes first and asks “would you rather be Red for a day or have all the food in the world, though it is all infused with ghost peppers.” Everyone chooses the ghost peppers. Red is up next and reads “get a smack on the butt for every sub you have, or you can only sleep for twenty minutes at a time before an alarm goes off,” and everyone chooses the sleep. Ross’ is “would you rather eat a 78-layer bean burrito with no cheese (in under twenty-two minutes or the world is destroyed, and also you’re allergic to beans) or watch Ross yell at a teddy bear.” Though the choice is hard, everyone finally picks the teddy bear. It’s Max’s turn and he reads “would you rather fight twenty 5-year-old kids, or marry a puffer fish named Gregory (it’s a loveless marriage, and you made the biggest mistake of your life),” and Sky picks the fish because he loves sushi, while Ross agrees because he’s confident that therapy could solve their problems. It’s Sky’s turn again and his options are to do ballet in front of a sold out show of everyone from his childhood or have Red speak in an Apple voice all day. Everyone chooses ballet, even Red, because he doesn’t want to lose his voice. Red’s first option is to smash a lightbulb and then eat it, or always have nightmares when you sleep. Max and Red get in an argument over whether or not you would die from eating a lightbulb, and everyone agrees with Max. Ross’ options are: would you rather eat dog poop (as suggested by one NewScapePro) or not be able to move for 48 hours. Most everyone picks dog poop, but Max argues that if you’re in a safe place, such as your bed, it would be far superior to just sleep for two days. Everyone is offended that Max thinks he could sleep when not being able to move whatsoever (because um, REM, hello). Max takes his turn and asks “would you rather not be able to use computers or phones, or would you rather cry hot sauce.” Ross wonders if he’s allowed to have a car if his car has a computer, and Sky reasons that if one were to cry hot sauce they would eventually go blind and not be able to use a computer anyway. Max points out that they wouldn’t be able to do their jobs, but Ross decides that he would choose the hot sauce because all he has to do is not get sad. Sky takes his turn and asks “would you rather give up YouTube or compliment Ross every twelve seconds (and Ross doesn’t like you).” Sky picks giving Ross a compliment because otherwise everyone would be out of a job, but when he turns around he finds that everyone else picked YouTube because they don’t want to be hated by Ross – even Ross. Red’s options are to fart through your nose or have Ross stare at you while you sleep – Sky argues that Ross couldn’t stare at you, he would just stare at two different spots near you, and Ross scares Red with a “good morning” as soon as he turns around. Everyone is tied and it’s up to Ross to fix it – his options are travel fourteen feet every thirty-two seconds in order to be able to breathe for two seconds, or hear things while you’re awake. As in, hear things that aren’t there. Everyone initially picks the first option, but Ross points out that that means death, and so Ross wins. That’s it for this Minecraft Would You Rather – thanks for watching, and we’ll see you next time. these cool things.